Just for Fun: Homegrown Pineapple
Did you know you can grow a pineapple from the top of a store-bought pineapple? Neither did Tarun until one suddenly showed up at his house, ready to stab him if he got too close.
The first picture is when the top of an old pineapple was planted in the summer of 2018 by Tarun’s wife. You are forewarned – while the experiment started out easy, this plant gets heavy, large and the leaves are quite sharp. During the summer, it was stored outside but it had to be brought in before the temperature got too cold each year. A tiny fruit appeared in spring of 2023 (just before Tarun was ready to throw it out from one too many stabbings. Tarun is convinced the plant overheard him the evening before and, out of desperation, produced the tiny pineapple in the third photograph). This September it was finally ripe (rightmost photo).
You read that right – five years to get a Missouri pineapple! The fully grown pineapple was about half the size of the ones from Hawaii but smelled amazing (more flowery than fruity)! It tasted like a pineapple but slightly more sour than the super sweet ones in the stores. Overall, the plant was deemed ‘worth the trouble’, if only to to say it could be done. If anyone tells you there is no way pineapples can be grown in the middle of America, you can tell them about this crazy lawyer you know!

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