Dog Bites
Are you sensing a theme here? The September Newsletter has gone to the dogs!As previously discussed in our March 2021 newsletter, we (unfortunately) handle a lot of dog bite cases both as personal injury and worker’s compensation claims. Under Missouri law, a dog owner is liable for a dog bite, regardless of whether the dog was previously vicious or whether the owner knew of any vicious tendencies (legally called strict liability). Legal defenses to a dog bite incident include provocation of the dog and trespassing. Illinois law is similar.
In both states, if the victim had a legal right to be where the incident took place (was invited onto the property or in a public place, called an invitee), he or she will defeat the trespass defense. Provocation is taken case by case. For instance, a child grabbing a dog’s tail could be construed as provocation but it is a weaker defense as compared to the dog bite victim instigating a bite by hitting the dog. A more common scenario is a child walking up to a dog and the dog gets surprised and bites the child. In that scenario, that would not be considered provocation and the dog owner will likely be liable for the child’s injuries. We even had a dog bite where our client was a teenage girl who had a purse with chain links for the strap. The insurance adjuster tried to say she provoked the dog by wearing the chain link purse. The standard for provocation is high and this “defense” did not work.
The good news is most homeowner’s policies cover dog bites, however, it is important to know the exclusions, including whether you are covered away from your property or if a specific breed (such as a pit-bull) is covered.
Dog bite injuries can be very serious and leave lifelong scars. Below are a few of the injuries we encountered. If the bite requires medial attention or plastic surgery, it is worth consulting an attorney to determine your legal rights, including how to pay for your damages. It is also a good idea to contact animal control so they can properly investigate whether the dog was up to date on vaccines.
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