04 Apr Warrant Forgiveness Program for City of St. Louis Municipal Court
January 22, 2018 – If you have a warrant in the City of St. Louis, the City of St. Louis Municipal Court is doing their popular Warrant Forgiveness Program. Individuals can come to the St. Louis City Municipal Court at 1520 Market [use 16th Street entrance] from Monday, January 29 through Thursday, February 1 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to cancel warrants and get a new Court date. This does not mean that the original offense also disappears with the warrant recall. If the violation is a traffic related moving violation, it is important to consult with an attorney to determine if the the charge can be amended to a non-moving, no point violation. This is important to keep points off your license, which could result in higher insurance rates and a drivers’ license being suspended.
To see if you have a warrant to take advantage of the Warrant Forgiveness Program, you can check online here. It is sorted by name, date of birth and zip code.
There are exceptions to the Warrant Forgiveness Program – if you have a DUI/DWI charge or a violent offense you are not eligible for this program. There may be other exceptions, consult the Court’s website for more details.
Thank you for reading!
Tarun B. Rana, Esq.
Address: 655 Craig Rd, Ste 252, St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 314-329-7690
Facsimile: 314-735-4097
Email: tarun@ranalawgroup.com
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