04 Apr Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Pamphlet at the Rams Wellness Event
February 17, 2014 – I recently participated in a Wellness Zone event at Ram’s Park sponsored by BJC. It was a great event with prizes, interactive drills (including a vertical jump test, field goal kicking, a timed 40 yard dash and others) and with many health professionals in attendance. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety had an informative Driving While Intoxicated Pamphlet that they offered on the effects of alcohol, medication and illegal drugs.
Driving While Intoxicated is a serious problem, not only for the health and safety of the driver, passengers and any others on the road, but because it can carry serious legal consequences. Rather than risk a DWI, please do not drive. You can appoint a designated driver (DD) beforehand, stay in the area where you plan on drinking or use public transportation. A cab will be no more than $100 but a DWI can cost at the very least 4 or 5 times that amount.
If you receive a DWI, it is important to consult an attorney immediately.
Tarun B. Rana, Esq.
Address: 655 Craig Rd, Ste 252, St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 314-329-7690
Facsimile: 314-735-4097
Email: tarun@ranalawgroup.com
“The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.”
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