04 Dec Holidays, Drinking & Driving, Garden Glow
Welcome to the Newsletter
Rana Law Group Newsletter
In this issue:
- Happy Holidays!
- Drinking & Driving
- Just for Fun: Garden Glow at the Missouri Botanical Gardens
Happy Holidays!
The office will be closed on Christmas and New Years Day so we can spend time with our family and friends. From everyone at the Law Offices of Tarun B. Rana, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
Drinking & Driving
Don’t even think about it! In December, there are no shortage of holiday parties and the inclination is to drink and drive because it may seem convenient. I’ll say it again, don’t even think about it! Take an Uber, Lyft, cab, bum a ride or make other arrangements.
From a public safety perspective, you could hurt yourself or someone else. When you drink and drive, you threaten all our lives.
From a personal injury perspective, if a driver injures someone and drugs or alcohol are involved, the driver could be putting his or her personal assets at risk. Typically, a good personal injury lawyer will seek punitive damages, which are meant to punish an individual and deter bad conduct. A verdict at trial could be in excess of the driver’s insurance coverage. If the jury assesses punitive damages, they cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, which could put a person’s entire life savings and future earnings at risk.
From a criminal case perspective, if you get a DWI, the potential consequences could include losing your license, incurring hundreds or thousands of dollars in fines and attorney’s fees, completing community service and a victim impact panel class.It is not worth it, so don’t even think about drinking and driving! Be safe, especially during this holiday season.
Just for Fun: Garden Glow at the Missouri Botanical Gardens
My wife and I had the opportunity to see the Garden Glow exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful light display that encompasses several areas of the garden. This was our first time going and we were very impressed. It was a nice walk, however, we went on one of the coldest nights of the year so make sure to plan your outfit accordingly. They even sold some delicious hot chocolate! If you are looking for a family friendly activity, I encourage you to check it out.
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