Total Loss Vehicle Valuations
When people are involved in an automobile collision, they can be injured and have property damage to their vehicle. If the vehicle gets totaled out (the cost to repair the vehicle exceeds the value), the insurance company is only required to pay fair market value (what a similar vehicle costs), not the value of the loan (especially if you owe more than what the vehicle is worth) or what a person believes the value to be to him or her.People are typically more upset about the property damage offer for a total loss on their vehicle than they are about their potentially permanent injuries. Unfortunately, trying to increase a property damage offer is usually a losing battle. Insurers use market valuation software and comparable vehicles to determine total loss valuations and they tend to be fairly close. Class action lawsuits against several valuation software products have been denied by courts in multiple states. Essentially, the courts consistently deem the software valuations fair and accurate compensation.
We posted a video three years ago for when this issue comes up. Our best chance of improving the offer is finding substantially similar vehicles actively selling for higher prices than the insurance company is offering. Keep in mind, while there is little room to negotiate property damage, an attorney can add significant value to the injury portion of the claim, potentially adding thousands or tens of thousands in value, so it is important to not get disenfranchised by the process if the property damage portion does not go as well as planned. The best course is to simply put in the work to improve the injury portion to ensure full and fair compensation and make up for the disappointing property damage.
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