Traffic, Red Light, Holidays

Traffic, Red Light, Holidays

Welcome to the Newsletter

Rana Law Group Newsletter

In this issue:

  • Traffic Violations
  • Red Light Cameras
  • Holiday Hours

Traffic Violations

Over the past two months, I has been an increase in calls about speeding and other moving violation traffic cases.  The fees the court charges are also increasing in order to get a ticket amended to a no-point, non-moving violation to avoid an increase in your insurance rate.  I want to warn all of my clients to slow down and avoid other moving violations because no one wants to spend hard earned money on court fines, especially at the end of the year during the holidays.  However, if you do end up getting a traffic ticket, give us a call to discuss your options.

Red Light Cameras

Unfortunately, red light cameras may be returning. In 2015, Missouri’s Supreme Court ruled the ordinances governing the cameras in several municipalities were unconstitutional as written, resulting in many places abandoning the use of the expensive technology completely. Unfortunately, the court ruling did not completely close the door on them, which left the door open for local governments to adopt ordinances that could possibly withstand a court challenge. The City of Hannibal is one such location where camera tickets are still in force.

It is safe to assume the companies who sold the expensive technology have been looking for more ways to bring the photo tickets back in such a way that the ordinances would survive judicial scrutiny. One example is the City of St. Louis, who is exploring the possibility of reinstating red light and speed cameras, citing safety as the primary reason. The new technology would need to clearly identify the driver of the vehicle, among other requirements to comply with the restrictions from the previous court opinion.

A St. Louis County councilman is drafting legislation that he hopes to put before the voters to ban camera tickets permanently in St. Louis County. He does not believe safety is truly the concern; rather, he states the motives are purely economical for cities/municipalities that need more revenue. It will be interesting to see what develops.

Holiday Hours

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

While we want to be as accessible to our clients as much possible during the holiday season, we also value time with our families.  The office will be observing the Christmas and New Year holidays according to the holiday shortened hours listed below.

Tuesday, 12/24 – The office will close at 4 p.m.
Wednesday, 12/25 – The office will be closed all day.
Tuesday, 12/31 – The office will close at 4 p.m.
Wednesday, 1/1 – The office will be closed all day.

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