While we do not handle employment related matters, we wanted to provide some general information since people have been calling about employee's right during COVID-19.  Missouri is an at-will employment state, which means an employee can quit anytime and an employer can fire an employee...

We hope you and your family are staying safe.  So far, we are all healthy and working remotely, with Tarun going into the office occasionally to check mail.  So everyone stays safe, we have been holding client meetings via video conferencing and phone and signing...

Many of you probably already heard some auto insurers are offering car insurance rebates due to COVID-19 since stay-at-home orders have greatly reduced vehicle use and, by extension, crashes on the road.  The St. Louis Post Dispatch compiled a good list of the companies participating...

Welcome to the Newsletter Rana Law Group Newsletter In this issue: COVID Impact on Law Office What are an Employee's Rights During COVID-19? Civic Duty - Voting & Jury Duty COVID-19 Impact on Office We hope you and your family are staying safe.  So far, we are all healthy...

The Missouri Supreme Court issued an order suspending all in-person hearings in appellate and circuit courts WITH THE EXCEPTION OF critical matters* as a result of COVID-19.  The suspension is in effect from at least March 17 through April 3 and possibly longer. COVID-19 is hitting...

Welcome to the Newsletter Rana Law Group Newsletter In this issue: What is an ERISA Insurance Dispute? Do Hand Sanitizers Prevent Disease? Weekend Wood Splitting What is an ERISA Insurance Dispute? ERISA is a federal law that protects employee pensions and welfare funds that are in an employer sponsored...

Implications of Recreational & Medicinal Marijuana Illinois recently legalized cannabis sales for recreational use and Missouri voters approved medicinal marijuana.  What are the legal implications as it relates to the areas of law I practice?  For starters, it is still illegal to drive while impaired.  In...

Welcome to the Newsletter Rana Law Group Newsletter In this issue: Implications of Recreational & Medicinal Marijuana Status of Camera Tickets in IL & MO MODOT Travel App Implications of Recreational & Medicinal Marijuana Illinois recently legalized cannabis sales for recreational use and Missouri voters approved medicinal marijuana.  What...

The Missouri Supreme Court affirmed the decision of a lower court and declared the Missouri Voter ID law (Section 115.427) unconstitutional in the case Priorities USA, et al v. State of Missouri, et al. The issue in this case was whether the Missouri Voter ID law,...